Demonstration of new technologies supporting knowledge bases in Commanding Support Systems in the Polish army was a culmination of Communication and Information Technology Workshop „ASTER 12” organized by the Commander of Centre for Support Mobile Commanding Systems. Demonstration took place in Military Training Area Center for Land Forces in Żagań from 8th to 12th of October 2012. Companies related to the defence industry presented their proposals in the new technologies area.
For the second time ITTI Ltd. had the opportunity to present its potential regarding field of national defence. This time, the company has showed three innovative solutions:
– PROCeed simulation platform and designed for the platform training packages, including military tactics training application
– LIMA2 system supportingt acquisition, analysis and implementation of experience collected in ongoing military missions, and
– telecommunication solution – an „intelligent switch”, which enables automatic selection of communication links in case of disruption in order to ensure the availability and appropriate level of reliability.

All the solutions were carefully examined by the delegation of military experts who are to prepare final conclusions.. The report will provide an overview of implementation posibilities of the current communication and information technology developments in the military field.
- platformę symulacyjną PROCeed oraz pakiety szkoleniowe do uruchomienia na tej platformie makietę aplikacji szkoleniowej w zakresie taktyki wojskowej,
- system LIMA2 wspierający nabywanie, analizę i wdrażanie doświadczeń zbieranych w ramach realizowanych misji wojskowych, oraz
- rozwiązanie z zakresu telekomunikacji – „inteligentny przełącznik” pozwalający na automatyczny wybór łączy w przypadku zakłóceń w celu zapewnienia dostępności i odpowiedniego poziomu niezawodności oraz przepływności.