Monthly Archives: October 2013

Isolated cases of flu caused by mutated virus AH1N1 occurred in the Wielkopolska voivodeship. Quickly the number of sick rose uncontrollably which threatens the outbreak of epidemic in the whole region. In the result hospitals are overcrowded and out of medicines. Local governments had to undertake necessary steps to minimize negative consequences of the disease including  quarantine of the sick, implementation of special information policy  or constant control of available resources. Players impersonate: voivodeship crisis management team, three city teams and two borough teams from Wielkopolska voivodeship. Gamers have to solve over 220 problems through making the right decision and, consequently, choosing the best option of procedure. Features of the training: different varieties of the end and game play depended on decision made by the members of crisis management teams dynamic visualization of the game play available forces and resources management difficulty level management through additional side quests and problems…

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Conference entitled “Crisis management systems” took place in Warsaw on 23 of October 2013th. ITTI company was one of the patrons of the event and presented materials about PROCeed system and decision-making games scenarios “Flood 2.0”  and “Epidemic”. During the conference issues regarding communication systems, data safety and actions management in crisis situations were discussed.

Article on PROCeed system entitled  “Decision-making games – preparation system for decision-making” was published in the first issue of polish magazine „Bezpieczeństwo publiczne” (nr 1 September/October 2013). Authors of the paper Tomasz Springer, Joanna Modławska, Maciej Szulejewski and Andrzej Adamczyk explained the functioning of decision-making games in PROCeed system. They also highlighted the importance of decision-making games in the training process of the local governments  employees. Creators of the article presented the most important features of the PROCeed system and preparation of decision-making game sample scenarios.
